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YMCA Gawad Parangal 2011

YMCA Gawad Parangal 2011- 10 Outstanding Students of OlongapoCity
www.facebook.com/subicbaynews YMCA Gawad Parangal 2011 10 Outstanding Students of Olongapo City FMA Hall, March 24, 2011
By: Ed Piano
Congratulations Dana Katherine Cesa, Jasmine Marie Bustamante and Jean Claudette Galvez for winning in the YMCA Gawad Parangal 2011 (10 Outstanding Studets of Olongapo City) last March 24 at FMA Hall, Olongapo City Hall

YMCA Gawad Parangal 2011- 10 Outstanding Students of OlongapoCity
www.facebook.com/subicbaynews YMCA Gawad Parangal 2011 10 Outstanding Students of Olongapo City FMA Hall, March 24, 2011
By: Ed Piano
SJSAA Medical & Dental Mission
SJSAA Medical & Dental Mission
2nd BOT meeting notes
2nd BOT meeting held 26 March 2011 @ Registrar's office
Ms. Lilia Amor
Mr. Sunday Ibay
Ms. Josephine Escalona
Ms. Claire Souza
Mr. Roel Dabu
Kagawad Melissa Carabeo
Councilor Eduardo Piano
Ms. Judy Tolentino-Pazon
Mr. Edwin Piano
Ms. Virginia Santos
Ms. Carmelita Yco
Mr. Dantenor Cruz
Mr. Arnel Tañedo
Ms. Nanette Calderon
Brgy. Capt. Robert Ferrer
1. Members were congratulated for the successfull celebration of the 63rd Founding Anniversary. The Motorcade, General Assembly, Elections, Alumni Night and the Medical/Dental Mission all went well. Certificates are being prepared for all those who contributed to the success of the event.
2. BOT agreed to have the regular monthly meeting be every Second Saturday @ Six pm (SS@S)
3. 2011 SJS Reunion in USA: The body designated SJSAA PRO Eduardo Piano to be the Ambassador of Goodwill during his trip to the US to attend the 2011 Reunion. He has been authorized to talk in behalf of the association, collect membership fees, issue SJSAA ID cards, recieve gifts and donations in behalf of the association.
4. The body agreed to come up with a condolence card or a resolution whichever is applicable whenever a member of SJSAA pass away. Also approved was SJSAA's contribution of P500 to a departed member of the association.
5. Money Matters: The finance committee were tasked to count the monies collected during the SJSAA King & Queen activity. They were also instructed to finalize the association's financial report before the end of SJSAA fiscal year which is 31 March 2011.
6. Fund Raising: Sunday Ibay, Josephine Escalona and Roel Dabu were task to come up with concrete plans to raise funds through bingo game when will be held on May 21, 2011
7. SJSAA Office: Edwin Piano, Claire Souza and Roel Dabu inspected the SJSAA office at the Audio-Visual Room of the Social Hall. Documents, materials and stocks were properly recorded. Outgoing Pres. Claire turned over the SJSAA Seal (dry-seal) to incoming Pres. Edwin Piano. A duplicate key of the office were turned-over by Principal Lampazo to SJSAA Pres Edwin Piano.
Due to concerns of the board that senior members will have accessiblity issues with the office being in the 4th floor of the building, Madam Lampazo offered the room beside the Students' Affairs Office. Said office is in the ground floor but in the far-end of the campus. The BOT will check again on this room as soon as equipment presently stored there are transfered.
BOT inquired if the old canteen (near the gate) is available, to which Mam Mel said that it is being used as Home Economics laboratory.
Pres. Edwin Piano will write a letter to SJC Director requesting to be allowed to construct a structure beside the old canteen for use as SJSAA office.
8. Other Matters:
a. Everyone were invited to hear mass in celebration of Fr. Hanival's 11th sacerdotal anniversary which will be held on 31 March 2011.
b. Scholarship Committe were tasked to come up with proposals on how to go about with the program.
c. Projects such as construction of a covered court will be discussed in the future meetings.
The Next meeting will be on 16 April 2011 since April 9 is Hero's Day and some members have prior committment on the day.
Notes for discussion
Gates should be secured during alumni night. Minimize entry of vehicles and prohibit tambays, namumulot ng lata, bote at tirang pagkain.
Make it exclusive to members of sjsaa. Provide registration booths at the gate.
An activity check list should be utilized so as not to miss some minor but also important details such as Tarpoline/backdrop.
Com on security and safety
Com on medical dental mission and feeding program
Lay out of wall painting should be approved by the execom
An alumni office will help
about a week ago
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Nomination process should start first week of march and closed three days before the general assembly in order for secretary to verify qualification and the election committe to print official ballots.
about a week ago
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Comm on alumni king and queen.
Candidates should be submitted one week before the alumni night for the committee to prepared boxes and each batch to have enough time to solicit support
The queens box should be separate from the king's box
about a week ago
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Med/Dental mission should have stubs to ensure orderly activity.
Sec n safety com should join
Use check lisi of the activity
Ensure sufficient medicine, tables, snacks
about a week ago
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Try to have live video stream
This year's homecoming is a success. Thanks to all those who worked hard to make it happen
about a week ago
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Execom should have uniform shirt.
Souvenir t-shirts for sale, mugs, keychain ..
Post these items in website
about a week ago
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Need to have the following as per Fr. Hannival
1. Alma Matter Hymn
2. New SJC Logo that depicts the vision and mission of the institution
3. Alumni Flag for ceremonies
about a week ago
In my observation, I think in this year as early as possible we should start put the names of the newly elected officers of the Alumni Association for 2011-2012 including its sub-committees should be posted on the wall so that all alumni may have a grasp of knowledge on who should they looked into if they have concerned relative to alumni activity.
Likewise, it will be clear to all alumni that the officers are there the whole year round and not only shows-up during the alumni grand activity.
In this case maybe we can motivated other batches to join the activity.
about a week ago
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I agree with Sir Bhench's observation.
we can have it implemented immediately.
last Tuesday
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1. The current President of the school's student council shall seat in the BOT in ex-officio capacity. An Office of Student and Alumni Affairs will be created and the existing office of student affairs being handled by Sir Jess Ramos will have a portion for the alumni affairs.
2. Among the suggested SJSAA scholars are college students of SJC. They will be required to provide duty hours at the alumni office at least two hours per day each so that members who wish to drop by to get info, submit and pay their membership dues, and/or get their membership ID can have somebody to talk to.
last Tuesday
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It was suggested that the regular meeting of the board shall be every first Saturday of the month, 6pm at the alumni office.
last Tuesday
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The tentative schedule of 2012 Alumni Homecoming is
16 March 2012 Friday - Motorcade and General Assembly (with Election of BOT)
17 March 2012 Saturday - Alumni Night
last Tuesday
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The Executive Committee shall have the power to conduct routine business of SJSAA subject to general supervision by the Board. The resolutions and actions taken by the ExeCom shall be subject to review and ratification of the Board during regular monthly meeting.
The ExeCom shall compose of the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. In the absence of the Secretary or Treasurer, their assistants can seat in their behalf. In the absence of the Vice President, any other member of the board can seat in his behalf.
The rest of SJSAA officers are encouraged to participate in the ExeCom's meetings.
last Tuesday
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Cash on hand greater than one thousand pesos shall be deposited in the bank before closure of business of the following day.
Disbursement greater than four thousand pesos (except those which was already included in the approved budget must have prior approval of the Execom
last Tuesday
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BOT Chairman
And Vice President for U.S.
Needs to be elected
Deputized Treasurers has to be given special orders to issue reciepts and ID cards
on Monday
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President of 2011 Student Council must be given appointment letter to seat as ex-officio member of BOT during their graduation rites in order to keep in touch with this batch
on Monday
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Resolution authorizing the treasurer to apply for, enroll and avail of Metrobank's electronic banking channel and appointing Ms. Virginia Santos Yebes as authorized user for purposes of checking online the status of SJSAA account.
2011 SJSAA Medical and Dental Mission
Our sincere appreciation for the invaluable service rendered by the following organizations and individuals that led to the success of SJSAA Medical and Dental Mission held March 26, 2011 at SJC Campus
St. Agnes Medical Clinic
Olongapo Dental Society
Olongapo Dental Div, City Health
St. Joseph College
Brgy East Bajac Bajac
Dr. Ma. Agnes P. Soriano
Dr. Arlene G. Cesa
Dr. Benidicto Parocha
Dr. Regina Gregorio
Dr. Beverly Aguila
Dr. Jo-Ann Erlano
Dr. Marilyn Marpuri,DMD
Dr. Christine V. Darum, DMD
Dr. Gina Ocampo, DMD
Dr. Jainevive P. Rosel, DMD
Raul Fonseca, Dental Aide
Dr. Cherry Traficante, DMD
Dr. Geraldine Urbano-Baysa, DMD
Krizcelle Joyce S. CAbral, DEntal Aide
Dr. Maria Cristina C. Brosel
Dr. Meliza A. Edejer
Dr. Rubirosa Milan
Dr. Sharmaine M. Katigbak
Cherry R. Traficante, DMD
Dr. Rose Bustillos
Dr. Amelia Labadado
Dr. Juliet Feliminiano
Dr. Donald Vigo, DMD
Dr. Jasper Ian Hernandez, DMD
Dr. Emily Castillo-Fancuberta, DMD
Ma. Cristina C. Broesel, Md
Bong Cruz
Meliza A. Edejer
Rebecca Traficante
Ruby Ann Dollins
Norelyn P. Santos
Rose Bustillos
Amelia Labaclado
Juliet Feliminiano
Jo-Ann Erlano
Ruby Rosa Milan
Sharmaine Katigbak
Rianerio Calma
Krizcelle Joyce Cabral
Raul Fonseca
Roland Belleza
Bona S. ALvarez
Abner Tayco
Cesar Lobos
Brgy Capt. Filipina Tablan
Kgd. Ryan Albay
Daniel Ray PAcis
Edwin Laborete
Innocencio Mateo
Edwardo Versoza
Jun Benito
Zeny Acera-Santos
Claire Aratan
Tess Ortiguerra
Mark Orpiano
Vicente Loreto
Marcos Castro
Cristina Piano
Joselito Mayor
St. Agnes Medical Clinic
Olongapo Dental Society
Olongapo Dental Div, City Health
St. Joseph College
Brgy East Bajac Bajac
Dr. Ma. Agnes P. Soriano
Dr. Arlene G. Cesa
Dr. Benidicto Parocha
Dr. Regina Gregorio
Dr. Beverly Aguila
Dr. Jo-Ann Erlano
Dr. Marilyn Marpuri,DMD
Dr. Christine V. Darum, DMD
Dr. Gina Ocampo, DMD
Dr. Jainevive P. Rosel, DMD
Raul Fonseca, Dental Aide
Dr. Cherry Traficante, DMD
Dr. Geraldine Urbano-Baysa, DMD
Krizcelle Joyce S. CAbral, DEntal Aide
Dr. Maria Cristina C. Brosel
Dr. Meliza A. Edejer
Dr. Rubirosa Milan
Dr. Sharmaine M. Katigbak
Cherry R. Traficante, DMD
Dr. Rose Bustillos
Dr. Amelia Labadado
Dr. Juliet Feliminiano
Dr. Donald Vigo, DMD
Dr. Jasper Ian Hernandez, DMD
Dr. Emily Castillo-Fancuberta, DMD
Ma. Cristina C. Broesel, Md
Bong Cruz
Meliza A. Edejer
Rebecca Traficante
Ruby Ann Dollins
Norelyn P. Santos
Rose Bustillos
Amelia Labaclado
Juliet Feliminiano
Jo-Ann Erlano
Ruby Rosa Milan
Sharmaine Katigbak
Rianerio Calma
Krizcelle Joyce Cabral
Raul Fonseca
Roland Belleza
Bona S. ALvarez
Abner Tayco
Cesar Lobos
Brgy Capt. Filipina Tablan
Kgd. Ryan Albay
Daniel Ray PAcis
Edwin Laborete
Innocencio Mateo
Edwardo Versoza
Jun Benito
Zeny Acera-Santos
Claire Aratan
Tess Ortiguerra
Mark Orpiano
Vicente Loreto
Marcos Castro
Cristina Piano
Joselito Mayor
Financial report
METROBANK - SJSAA Customer Number 6882038
ACCOUNT NUMBER - 3-144-38882-9
10,500.00 OPENED 5-12-04
PENALIZED 13 TIMES (P200.00 each month)
P9,154.98 as of 01-31-08 due to Dormant Service Charge
6-11 Jan '08 P6,000.00
12 Jan '08 P10,700.00
15-26 Feb '08 P47,600.00
8 & 27 Feb P27,000.00
P51,654.98 as of 02-27-08
4 & 12 Mar P70,5000.00
10 & 18 Mar P93,350.00
P28,843.04 as of 03-31-08
02 April '08 P15,000.00
P13,843.04 as of 04-30-08
P15,049.86 as of 09-30-10 (due to interests)
P13,509.49 as of 02-28-11 (five times penalized with P300 each month due to Dormant Service Charge)
03-11-11 P2,000.00 (account reactivated by Claire Souza & Ed Piano)
P15,509.49 as of 26 March 2011
ACCOUNT NUMBER - 3-144-38882-9
10,500.00 OPENED 5-12-04
PENALIZED 13 TIMES (P200.00 each month)
P9,154.98 as of 01-31-08 due to Dormant Service Charge
6-11 Jan '08 P6,000.00
12 Jan '08 P10,700.00
15-26 Feb '08 P47,600.00
8 & 27 Feb P27,000.00
P51,654.98 as of 02-27-08
4 & 12 Mar P70,5000.00
10 & 18 Mar P93,350.00
P28,843.04 as of 03-31-08
02 April '08 P15,000.00
P13,843.04 as of 04-30-08
P15,049.86 as of 09-30-10 (due to interests)
P13,509.49 as of 02-28-11 (five times penalized with P300 each month due to Dormant Service Charge)
03-11-11 P2,000.00 (account reactivated by Claire Souza & Ed Piano)
P15,509.49 as of 26 March 2011
... SJSAA 2011-2012 Elected Officers President: Edwin J. Piano Vice-Pres: Dantenor Cruz Secretary: Judy Pazon Assistant Secretary: Nanette Calderon Treasurer: Virginia Santos Assistant Treasurer: Josephine Escalona Auditor: Carmelita Yco Assistant Auditor: Melissa Carabeo PRO: Eduardo Piano Claire Souza - Past President and Adviser Committee on Ethics and Privileges - Roel Dabu Committee on Scholarship - Lilia Amor Committee on Distinguished Alumni Award - Arnel Tanedo Committee on Security and Safety - Capt Robert Ferrer Committee on Ways and Means - Sunday Ibay Adviser: Mel Tulio-Lampazo -09088947459 Alumni Contact Numbers Judy Pazon '81 -0908 863 8397 Edwin Piano '78 -0917 590 8522 Past Presidents Dr. Mariano Ridon Crisanta Legaspi Jen Villarmino Atty. Noel Atienza (read less) | |
http://sangunian.com/sjsaa/sign.php click above link to Register your name in SJSAA http://sjs-olongapo.blogspot.com/ ... SJSAA Amended By-Laws as approved during the General Assembly http://olongapo-subic.com/sjs/BY-LAWS.htm | |
... SJSAA Board of Trustees 2011-2012 1. Ms. Lilia Amor 2. Ms. Nanette Calderon 3. Mr. Sunday Ibay 4. Ms. Josephine Escalona 5. Mr. Dantenor Cruz 6. Ms. Claire Souza 7. Mr. Roel Dabu 8. Mr. Arnel Tañedo 9. Brgy. Capt. Robert Ferrer 10. Kagawad Melissa Carabeo 11. Councilor Eduardo Piano 12. Ms. Judy Tolentino-Pazon 13. Mr. Edwin Piano 14. Ms. Virginia Santos 15. Ms. Carmelita Yco Adviser: Mel Tulio-Lampazo -09088947459 Alumni Contact Numbers Judy Pazon '81 -0908 863 8397 Edwin Piano '78... (read more) |
PM our officers or anyone from the secretariat | |
Website |
=I5MH_ymxY-o www.youtube.comfacebook.com/jmproductions08 SJS Alumni Homecoming March 19, 2011- RECENT ACTIVITY
St. Joseph Olongapo Alumni Homecoming discussed Lessons learned on theSt. Joseph Olongapo Alumni Homecoming discussion board.
St. Joseph Olongapo Alumni Homecoming discussed Lessons learned on theSt. Joseph Olongapo Alumni Homecoming discussion board.
personalized keychains for Batch '77 St. Joseph Olongapo Alumni Homecoming
thank you Sulyap '77- Jean Fredeluces AlagonRakk Soo
Rakk Soo,salamat po sa Van Service for St. Joseph Olongapo Alumni Homecoming (BATCH 1980) Motorcade...sa uulitin ♥
St. Joseph Olongapo Alumni Homecoming changed their Company Overview.
St. Joseph Olongapo Alumni Homecoming discussed Lessons learned on theSt. Joseph Olongapo Alumni Homecoming discussion board.
St. Joseph Olongapo Alumni Homecoming discussed Lessons learned on theSt. Joseph Olongapo Alumni Homecoming discussion board.
St. Joseph Olongapo Alumni Homecoming discussed Lessons learned on theSt. Joseph Olongapo Alumni Homecoming discussion board.
St. Joseph Olongapo Alumni Homecoming discussed Lessons learned on theSt. Joseph Olongapo Alumni Homecoming discussion board.
Full length dance presentation of Batch 80 taken by Rica Constantino
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmoy0ApU3SI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v
=sDV9NWtnIpw www.youtube.comwww.facebook.com/sjsaa SJS Alumni Homecoming 2011 March 19, 2011SJS Batch '86 Dance Presentation
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27DXIG5ULLQ www.youtube.comfacebook.com/jmproductions08 SJS Alumni Homecoming March 19, 2011SJS Batch '77 Dance Presentation
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AIokkC6WX-M www.youtube.comfacebook.com/jmproductions08 March 19, 2011SJS Batch '81 Dance Presentation
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-B0ByPs3R1E www.youtube.comfacebook.com/jmproductions08 March 19, 2011
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